Friday, May 16, 2008

So Called OBCs Dont Deserve Reservations In Education And Jobs

I found it really hard to believe that why so called OBCs need illegal benefit of reservation. Just go through the above link and see for yourself that out of 734 candidates selected in UPSC examination this year 286 are from General Category and 266 are from so called OBCs.

As I have already written so many times in my other blogs on reservation that there is no need for making casts as sole criteria for reservations in jobs and education. It may help STs but other than them its just serving purpose of the vote bank.

OBCs are well off to take care of themselves like general category. I know that there are poor among so called OBCs and if somebody can do a survey than I wont be surprised to hear that there are almost same number poor in so called General Category.

I fail to understand on what basis Ambumani Ramdas, PC Chidambaram, Lalu and Mulayam Yadav call themselves backwards? Something really wrong is going on here. This mindless reservation solely on basis of so called upper and lower cast has to stop. This is stupidity and mediocracy which we are propagating here.

This reservation policy is not giving any benefit to real needy but the cream who is already enjoying freebies is taking clear advantage. This non sense has to stop. Arise and awake Indians.

Vande Mataram
Jai Hind

निर्वाणाष्टकम् : आदि शंकराचार्य

मनो-बुध्दयहंकार-चित्तानिनाहं, न च श्रोत्रजिह्वे न च घ्राणनेत्रे।
न वै व्योम भूमिर्न तेजो न वायुः, चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोहं शिवोहम्।।

Mano budhyahankara chithaa ninaham, Na cha srothra jihwe na cha graana nethrer !

Na cha vyoma bhoomir na thejo na vayu, Chidananada Roopa Shivoham, Shivoham!!


Neither am I mind, nor intelligence ,Nor ego, nor thought,Nor am I ears or the tongue or the nose or the eyes,Nor am I earth or sky or air or the light,I am Shiva, I am Shiva, of nature knowledge and bliss.

न वै प्राणसंज्ञा न वै पंचवायुः, न वा सप्तधातुर्न वा पंचकोषः
न वाक्पाणि पादौ न चोपस्थ-पायुः, चिदानन्दरूपःशिवोहं शिवोहम्।।

Na cha praana sangno na vai pancha vaayuh, Na vaa saptha dhathur na va pancha kosa !

Na vak pani padam na chopastha payu,Chidananada Roopa Shivoham, Shivoham !!


Neither am I the movement due to life,Nor am I the five airs, nor am I the seven elements,Nor am I the five internal organs,Nor am I voice or hands or feet or other organs,I am Shiva, I am Shiva, of nature knowledge and bliss.

न मे रागद्वेषौ, न मे लोभमोहौ, मदो नैव मे नैव मात्सर्यभावः।
न धर्मों, न चार्थो न कामो न मोक्षः, चिदानन्दरूपःशिवोहं शिवोहम्।।

Na me dwesha raghou na me lobha mohou, Madho naiva me naiva matsarya bhava !

Na dharmo na cha artha na kamo na moksha,Chidananada Roopa Shivoham, Shivoham !!


I never do have enmity or friendship,Neither do I have vigour nor feeling of competition,Neither do I have assets, or money or passion or salvation,I am Shiva, I am Shiva, of nature knowledge and bliss.

न पुण्यं न पापं न सौख्यं न दुःखं, न मंत्रो न तीर्थो न वेदा न यज्ञाः।
अहं भोजनम् नैव भोज्यं न भोक्ता,चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोहं शिवोहम्।।

Na punyam na paapam na soukhyam na dukham, Na manthro na theertham na veda na yagna!

Aham bhojanam naiva bhojyam na bhoktha,Chidananada Roopa Shivoham, Shivoham !!


Never do I have good deeds or sins or pleasure or sorrow,Neither do I have holy chants or holy water or holy books or fire sacrifice,I am neither food or the consumer who consumes food,I am Shiva, I am Shiva, of nature knowledge and bliss.

न मृत्युर्न शंका न मे जातिभेदः, पिता नैव मे नैव माता न जन्म।
न बन्धुर्न मित्रं गुरुनैव शिष्यः, चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोहं शिवोहम्।।

Na mruthyur na sankha na me jathi bhedha, Pitha naiva me naiva matha na janma !

Na bhandhur na mithram gurur naiva sishyah,Chidananada Roopa Shivoham, Shivoham !!


I do not have death or doubts or distinction of caste,I do not have either father or mother or even birth,And I do not have relations or friends or teacher or students,I am Shiva, I am Shiva, of nature knowledge and bliss.

अहं निर्विकल्पो निराकार-रूपो, विभुत्वाच्च सर्वत्र सर्वेन्द्रियाणाम्।
न चासंगतं नैव मुक्तिर्न बन्धःचिदानन्दरूपः शिवोहं शिवोहम्।।

Aham nirvi kalpo nirakara roopo,Vibhuthwascha sarvathra sarvendriyanaam !

Na chaa sangatham naiva mukthir na meyahChidananada Roopa Shivoham, Shivoham !!


I am one without doubts , I am without form,Due to knowledge I do not have any relation with my organs,And I am always redeemed,I am Shiva, I am Shiva, of nature knowledge and bliss.

( Translation Courtsy: )

Another Simple Translation Which I liked:

I am neither the body, nor taste, smell or sight ,

Neither ears, nose or tongue, nor the ego or mind !

Neither ether nor water, nor earth, fire or air,

I am Consciousness-Bliss, Shivoham, Shivoham !!

Neither loathing nor liking, delusion or greed,

Neither knowledge nor pride, neither merit nor wealth !

Neither pleasure nor pain, doing wrong, doing right,

I am Consciousness-Bliss, Shivoham, Shivoham !!

Neither pilgrimage, mantra, nor worship or prayer,

Neither scriptures nor teachings, devotion or rite !!

Fear of death I have none, what I am has no birth,

I am Consciousness-Bliss, Shivoham, Shivoham !!

Neither mother nor father, nor friends are my own,

Neither brother nor sister, nor husband or wife !

Nor disciple, nor guru, religion or caste ,

I am Consciousness-Bliss, Shivoham, Shivoham !!

What I am has no form, All-pervading I am,

Everywhere I exist, beyond senses I am !

I am Nameless and Boundless, Unmoved and Unknown,

I am Consciousness-Bliss, Shivoham, Shivoham!!

(Translation Courtsey : )

Find That Mad Dog Before It Bites You..

Terrorism, by now, every Indian knows what it is all about, since we are the worst sufferers along with Israel of this phenomenon.

We have lost our countless citizens, lots of soldiers and two Prime Ministers and billions of dollars to this philosophy of hate. Terrorism is very different from any regular crime or riots since its always based on a particular ideology. This ideology is based on philosophy of two separate groups, one is the so called oppressor and second is self assumed oppressed. It's a continuous cycle in which the oppressed is often funded by enemy countries, which feed them with all means to carry out their inhuman acts in name of religion, race or political oppression.

Before WW-2 we have seen lots of freedom struggles, which were against the colonial rulers all over the world. But these colonial rulers prominently English, have left deep scars on all nations’ soul which they have ruled in past. Many terrorist activities that you see today are because of these scars which refuse to heal.

The undeclared war going on between India and Pakistan is an outcome of British divide and rule policy, where they sow the seeds of deep division in citizen's mind. Promoting false superiority complex in communities on basis of castes, colour and religion and keeping them divided so that they can never pose a united threat to their rule.

And its sad to say that they have been succeeded in this. For this success we are paying with the blood of innocents till now.

Israel-Arab conflict is also a gift of Britain to the world, when British started leaving countries they have occupied after World War 2; they started dividing them on the basis of religion and race. Almost all countries under British rule saw division and this division wasn't most of the times for good. I think British took some maps and just drew some vertical and horizontal lines without keeping the cultural and tribal aspects in mind.

They never thought what will be the outcome of these actions. All the countries are still fighting with each other over something or other. Why British did it just before they were leaving still wonders me a lot. So the past was in hands of British but present is in our hands and if we keep crying for the past we are for sure going to miss the present and subsequently future. So its better to start worrying about present and have a foundation for good future.

Terrorism and corruption are become biggest problems which Indians are facing today. They are the only two road blocks in India's path to success and reclaim its past glory. They are the root causes since because of corruption we are having problems like lack of primary education, infrastructure, lack of all civic facilities, deforestation, power shortage and all other problems except security threats.

They are all related to corruption since because of that only all the money which is allotted to these things just goes in vain. This problem can only be tackle by good public support and awareness. If all Indians decide that they will not pay bribe to get any of their work done in RTOs and other govt departments, it can be curbed to a great extent.

The corruption in govt employees can be controlled by tough laws and fast track courts to deal specifically to corruption related issues. One most important thing, will be introduction of moral teachings at higher educational level. This moral corruption of India is the root cause where conscious doesn't feel the guilt of taking bribe to do the job.

The definition of honesty and dishonesty has got changed over the years. Now, a dishonest person is the one who even after taking money doesn't do your job. And honest person has become an endangered species, about whom you are just going to listen in stories after few more years. This moral corruption has to be eradicated if we have to achieve developed India by 2020.

Second is terrorism. Terrorism in India as we all know is basically funded by Pakistan.

Terrorists are not sparing anyone, they are attacking temples, educational institutions, trains, crowded market places or any thing by which they can show that they have capability to bleed India, if not cut it in one go. They just want maximum damage to be done and for this they are crossing all the limits of humanity.

All the terrorism in India has its main source in Pakistan. So in my view if we want to tackle terrorism, the root cause has to be fought, we have to follow a bottom up approach to solve this problem. By this approach I mean to say that we have to cut the source of funding and training which are basically in Pakistan.

We know for sure that Pakistan voluntarily won't give them up. We have to pressurize Pakistan to do this. This can be done in various ways. The best comes in my mind is to give Pakistan taste of its own medicine. We have to wage a low intensity war in Pakistan like they are doing in Kashmir. All four major states of Pakistan are having trouble with each other.

Pakistani military and administrative services are full of people from Pakistani Punjab. Other 3 portions of Pakistan don't like this phenomenon as Pakistani Punjab is becoming prosperous at the cost of other three states especially Baluchistan and Sindh. I haven't included NWFP as this portion doesn't have much to offer.

As we have experienced from Bangladesh and other countries religion only can't be basis of a nation. There are cultural, economical and other political factors to be considered while building up a nation. As in case of India, we are becoming more dependable on each other economically, so by every day the north south east west divide is becoming thinner.

This increase of interdependency and people's movement has given India stability and will of a nation. There are other issues to be resolved like language but those are becoming secondary as English is taking prominent position in business and official communication. Aryan invasion theory is also proven to be false so the great Aryan Dravidian divide is not present at bigger scale and after sometime with more evidence this divide will eventually go.

But Pakistan's case is different as you rarely see a democracy there. Democracy gives voices to citizens which is most important factor of any nation's survival which is as diverse as India. Pakistan is ruled and always going to be ruled by military either direct or through proxies.

I am against all out open war against Pakistan as this is going to hurt India's economy and will destroy all the progress we have made in last 20 years. Since Pakistan also has capability to fire its missiles deep inside India. So the open war is not going to be fought on borers like previous wars. Its going to destroy our homes and cities in India and strengthen Pakistani generals in their control over Pakistan. Damage involved is too much and we should avoid a direct conflict.

Bring some tough laws and enforce them effectively to deal with those who support terrorism. There should be a zero tolerance for those who are involved in anti national acts. The punishment should be so severe that it should act as a lesson for those who are willing to follow this anti national path by citing religious, regional, lingual or caste reasons. Find the mad dog before it bites and kill or at least keep it separated from rest of the population.

Tolerance and compassion for a mad dog is good for sometime. You can take antidotes for few times when it bites you. But when this dog starts biting and infusing poison in your body again and again you are left with no option but to kill the dog. I am not saying all dogs are mad but this dog has given its viruses to other dogs and if you really want to live peacefully along with whole society than you really have to find and kill each and every infected mad dog and should not wait for another dog bite to wake you up. Since a mad dog doesn’t use his brain. Same is the case of a terrorist, since they are involved in inhuman acts so they don’t deserve to have any human rights. Remember you are fighting with an ideology of terror and it can be won by similar ideology of collective will of a nation to take on this ideology of hate head on.

This all is going to happen only when we Indians understand our duties for the nation. When we understand that this is our motherland to which we have to serve by all means available. The educated middle class has to come out on voting day to vote instead going for a picnic as on holidays. They have to educate the poor masses and make them understand the correct use of their voting power, so that no single vote would be cast in name of religion, castes and languages and every vote is meant for those who stands for development of India and its all citizens.

I hope that day comes soon so that we can give our next generation proud of getting birth in the Jagat Guru of the world once again. Come together, we all have to work in this direction. We can and we will reclaim India's golden past.

Vande Mataram

Jai Hind
Hemant Dubey