Thursday, May 22, 2008

Ulta Pulta Alliance or Un Provoked Assasins Somehow Completed Four Disasterous Years of Power in India: What Are The Lessons For Common Masses?

Poor and powerless [Bold and Beautiful :)] MMS declared today at the big food wasting get together that now its the time for tightening the belt and inflation and terror are two main challenges for Sonia Maino controlled government. Dr MMS I would like to ask what you would be able to achieve by tightening the belts now? or why it took you over four years to even acknowledge that terrorism is "one" of the main challenges for you today? Now you have identified the challenges but how you are going to solve this big mystery of terror and high inflation? Well even in last year of your, no no sorry ( I said sorry because these days if you are writing something against Sonia Maino than you may get arrested :) and i didnt wanted to give Sonia Maino another chance blast powerless Dr MMS ) Sonia Maino's government if you able to achieve something by tightening your belt than I am wondering why you had that belt loose for all these four years?

Dr MMS stop playing with words. You dont have anything in your hand for tightening or loosing. 95 % of your government is controlled by Sonia Maino and another 5% by leftist. Hmmmm well I should increase the share of traitor communists to somewhat more as sometimes it seems that its their government. Well that % figure is open for all to decide so anyone can have his/her call on that.

You came to power by crying for "Aam Admi" but I really wonder who that "Aam Admi" is? Since Sonia Maino's government seems to be working for no one in India except Gandhi family, so Sonia, Rahul and Priyanka and her children are the only "Aam Admi" in India today? Because I can see that none of your policies have benefited anyone in India. Sonia's government was just busy in preparing appeasement reports for minority votes, diving people on caste lines by reservations, sanctifying corruption for the powerful, busy in defending Ottavio Quattorochi, just clinching to power by compromising with left even at the cost of national honour, allocating national resources on communal lines, saving face in oil for food scam in Iraq, misusing puppet governors for grabbing power in opposition ruled states, naming every government scheme after Rajiv or Indira Gandhi, bringing misfortune to common masses by inflated food prices and other commodities, actively punishing honest people like Dr Venugopal for some stupid ego satisfaction, putting whole nation at risk by not punishing convicted terrorists, increasing home loan rate for middle class, busy in abusing Narendra Modi and toppling Mayawati, busy in destruction of Ram Setu and appeasing left by denying existance of Bhagwan Shri Raam, awarding Maqbul Fida Hussain and hounding Taslima Nasreen like an animal.

I guess this list can go on and one and on.. I am 29 years old now, I am telling you my age as I havent seen any other government working with some what matured mind. I am actively watching performance of this government on various fronts and I can safely say that this government is a disaster. We are in such a crucial moment of history where whole world is watching India so closely and getting new inspiration from its few honest citizens like Ratan Tata, if any other government was their it would have focused more on enhancing India's stature on internal level and increasing quality of life for common masses. But this Congress party cant shrug off its past. The only good thing a congress government in past did was liberalizing India's economy but I must remind you that it was Shri Narsimha Rao who was the prime minister and this Italian lady was not on the scene.

Common Indians specially voters should understand value of their vote and cast it for betterment of the whole nation by removing this corrupt and non performing government who has completely surrendered to China, in next general elections. Dont give keys of your fate to these bunch of corrupt thugs. This is the golden time for India and we need a strong government which can take care of India's interest domestically and internationally. Arise and awake Indians and take matter in your hand. May God direct our intellect in right direction.

Vande Matarma
Jai Hind
Hemant Dubey

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Democratic Slap Has Got Communists of India RED Faced

Communists of India, a traitor, double speaking, full of hypocrites group got the real taste of democracy yesterday. People of Nadigram and Singur voted these communists out from panchayat bodies of these red terror stricken towns of West Bengal. This is celebration of democracy and I congratulate fellow Indians of Nandigram and Singur who have shown the rare courage of voting out these red bandits after 30 years of ruling there.

This is just the beginning. As I have written earlier in my blogs even before you heard of booth capturing and political murders in Bihar, the communists of Bengal had perfected this art of muscle power and it was on full display for all to see in every election held there. In these elections also so many people got killed by this red terror killing squad. These bunch of red thugs haven't even spared their own coalition partner RSP leader's home. They burnt his home and RSP leader's niece suffered some 90% burns and died two days ago.

This is what the real face of communists in India and every where. These Red thugs are just bunch of power hungry individuals who live like parasites on people's blood. They are real wolves in sheep's clothing. They talk of human rights every where and kill people, rape women in their own backyard.

People of Nadigram and Singur has shown the power of democracy and people. When you exercise your rights without fear and perform your duty for the nation, you will reap the benefit. I would like to appeal Mamta Banarjee that now she should not oppose the Nano Plant of Tata. She can demand better compensation and I guess Mr Ratan Tata wont have any problem in accommodating justified demands.

I salute people of Nandigram and Singur who despite so many threats and trouble voted out the red terror from their territory. Now its turn of rest of the Bengal to follow the suit.

Jai Hind
Vande Mataram

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My Open e-Mail To Sonia Gandhi: On Rahul Vaid's Arrest

This is the email which I sent to Sonia Gandhi..

Shrimati Sonia GandhiJi,

I hope you are doing fine. I dont know whether this mail will reach you or not.. but still I have to do my duty as an honest citizen of India. There was a recent news of arrest of 22 years old IT professional by name Rahul Vaid under the charge of defaming you. I hope its still democracy in India. I am a taxpayer who pays taxes honestly for betterment of India. All civil servants including you get your salary because of my contribution to tax kitty. So I guess I have right to ask you some questions Sonia Ji..

1) In my India there is not enough police force to tackle everyday crimes and terrorist activities but how come we are wasting our police resources on a charge as stupid as writing something against you that too on internet against some 22 year old educated boy?

2) How come Maqbul Fida Hussain is not booked under the same crime and got arrested for making nude paintings of Hindu Gods and Goddesses. When somebody asks him questions than he is immediately told to be silent as India is democracy and we have freedom of expression here. so why you have two standards which distinguish between a common indian and some known painter. Is Rahul not human enough?

3) When you all politicians make so much rowdy show in parliament and even fight among yourself with mikes, chairs, files and become abusive and no charges are pressed against anyone of you than how come a you are framing a 22 year old for writing something against you because he doesnt like you?

4) You said that Narendra Modi is Maut Ka Saudagar so openly in front of all than dont you think that someone from Narendra Modi's side should file a defamanation suit against you for saying such a derogatory word to a political adversary?

5) Recently Karunanidhi and Buddhadeb Bhattacharya said so many derogatory remarks again Lord Shri Raam and every one was told to tolerate them as there is democracy in India. Why than that poor boy is arrested for making comments against you? Do you think you are above Shri Ram?

6) Raj Tahckrey said so many derogatory things about North Indians but your Congress Govt in Maharashtra didnt acted against him in time. Nobody filed a defamation lawsuit against him? Why these double standards for common and not so common people?

There are many more things and I can go on.. I just want you to respect freedom of speech for all Indians and withdraw charges against that 22 year old boy. I am not a fan of you as I personally think Congress is responsible for many evils present in India today. Your party has ruled India for 54 years out of 60 and still havent been able to provide good education and basic things like water and electricity to whole common masses of India. I think I have right to disagree with you and criticize you and your party's action if I found it wrong in my opinion. I guess thats what democracy is all about.

I hope you understand what I am trying to convey here. Please withdraw charges against that young boy, you have many more important things to handle.

Vande Mataram
Jai Hind
Hemant Dubey

Sunday, May 18, 2008

मेरी कवीतायें - उम्मीद

ऊपर से बस चमक रहा है ,
अन्दर सब कुछ बीखर रहा है !
मेरे मन की इस हालत को,
कोई क्यों नहीं समझ रहा है ?
ख्वाब सुहाने दीखाके मुझको ,
छोड़ गया गहरी नींद मे शायद !
आँख खुल गई फीर भी दील क्यों
दीदार को उसके तरस रहा है !!
छूकर तो देखता कभी वो,
अहसास उसे फीर होता शायद !
जमी हुयी इस बर्फ के नीचे ,
एक अंगारा दहक रहा है !!
जाना ही था छोड़ के उसको ,
मैंने ग़लत समझा था शायद !
उसकी यादों की प्यासी जमीं पे ,
आंखों का सावन बरस रहा है !!
आहट कहीं से कोई आए ,
लगता है वो आया शायद !
ख्वाबों के इस उजड़े चमन मे ,
अरमानों का फूल महक रहा है !!
आंखों से वो दूर है लेकीन ,
दील मे बसा है अब भी शायद !
उसकी धड़कन बन जाने को ही,
मन ये अब तक धड़क रहा है !!
