Saturday, October 20, 2007

मेरी कविताये :- गुनाह

अक्सर बस खामोश नज़र से ,
उसका चेहरा पढा था मैंने !

ख्वाबों को दिल में दफ़न किया था,
हकीकत को ही जीया था मैंने!

राज़ बनाकर तन्हाई में,
प्यार का गीत लिखा था मैंने!

उसकी बस एक नज़र के लिए,
अपना सब कुछ लुटा दिया था मैंने!

इश्क का जिक्र कहीं होता तो,
उसकी तस्वीर ख्यालों में थी,

माफ़ी के काबिल तो था,
बस यही गुनाह किया था मैंने!

" भुमिपुत्र "

Castes In Hinduism: What was the Original Plan?

All of us are aware of the issues of castes or class in India.. Well from time immemorial these classes have existed in all parts of the world. The caste or class is one of the most misunderstood thing of Hinduism.. But only for those who doesn't read the indepth about Hinduism.

The castes or classes were meant to organized labor division in which the person got the job on his or her skill set.. Like every society needs 4 type of persons to function properly. Someone should be there to teach, someone should be there to defend the land from aggression and maintain order, someone is required to do business and someone is required for serving the society in different ways than above three.

MOST IMPORTANT thing to know is that the castes weren't supposed to be decided on basis of birth, the sole criteria was your Karma and Guna.. Means what u do is the basis of your caste and not from whom you are born.. there is no sanction to casteism on basis of birth in Vedas or Upanishads or Srimad Bhagwat Geeta.. But later on in Dharmashastras like Manusmriti only its been given sanction.. Time in which Manusmriti was written was different and Hinduism is The only Regilion which is adaptive to real circumstances. Manusmriti is not equal to Vedas or Upanishads or Geeta..and we are free to adopt what we want and what dont want. Only some of the vested interests argued and continued castes on the basis of the Birth. Even than no one tried to harm a Kabira or Raidas since logic is been given the supreme importance in Hinduism.

The word Brahmin means one who knows the Brahama or The Supreme.. so in that sense anyone can be a Brahmin.. who has capability to understand the God.. I hope i have been able to convey something for ur understanding here.. May God direct our intellet in right direction.

Vande Mataram
Jai Hind

God and His/Her Plans

Well this is one of the most beautiful message i have received from one of my friend. Go though it and try to submerge urself in beauty of the words... God's Plan..

PLANNING AHEAD The best gift anyone can give me is a planner. I like planners because I am a planner. I like thinking ahead. I like being prepared. I get a high from being on top of things.
But some things are beyond planning. And life doesn't always turn out as planned. You don't plan for a broken heart. You don't plan for a failed business venture. You don't plan for an adulterous husband. Or a wife who wants you out of her life. You don't plan for an autistic child. You don't plan for spinsterhood. You don't plan for a lump in your breast.

You plan to be young forever. You plan to climb the corporate ladder. You plan to be rich and powerful. You plan to be acclaimed and successful. You plan to conquer the univerYou plan to conquer the universe. You plan to fall in love - and be loved forever.

You don't plan to be sad. You don't plan to be hurt. You don't plan to be broke. You don't plan to be betrayed. You don't plan to be alone in this world You plan to be happy. You don't plan to be shattered. Sometimes if you work hard enough, you can get what you want. But most times, what you want and what you get are two different things. We, mortals, plan.

But so does God in the heavens. Sometimes, it is difficult to understand God's plans especially when His plans are not in consonance with ours. Often, when God sends us crisis, we turn to Him in anger. True, we cannot choose the cross that God wishes us to carry, but we can carry that cross with courage knowing that God will never abandon us nor send something we cannot cope with.

Sometimes, God breaks our spirit to save our soul. Sometimes, He breaks our heart to make us whole. Sometimes, God sends us pain so we can be stronger. Sometimes, God sends us failure so we can be humble. Sometimes God sends us illness so we can take better care of ourselves. Sometimes, God takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything He gave us. Make plans but understand that we live by God's grace .

Wowwwwwww!!!!!!! Wonderful words... Just remember them..and feel someone somewhere is watching you for your wellbeing.. Its all his work at play.. may he direct ur intellect in right direction.

LN Mittal's Success: What it tells about new India

You guys might be aware of this that LN Mittal has been successful in acquiring majority stake in Arcelor Steel of Europe. Mittal steel is the worlds largest steel maker and Arcelor was having second place. This merger will create a steel behemoth which will have the steel producing capacity of more than 3 times of its nearest rival.

Mittal achieved this feat countering all sorts of odds against him. But his grit and determination finally paid and its been a slap on the face of his detractors. He has countered worst kinda anti business propaganda but as the old saying goes.. where there is will .. there is the way. My heart fills with some pride even though mittal doesnt have any operations in India. Probably India is not making business sense to him in this field but anyways I can leave business decision to this acute businessman.. and enjoy this proud moment with you guys. I am celebrating success of this Indian against all odds.. and the lesson I learnt from this and other similar episodes..

You might have heard that Tatas, Reliances, Wipros, Birlas are also on very rapid expansion plan.. and many other indian companies too are joining the similar band wagon.. and here in front you all have the success of Indian brain in field of IT and its related services.. I sometime wonder whats making this turnaround? How come suddenly we are feeling like we can take on the world in business field and can be successful and outpace others.

If you have planted a tree.. the tree is going to bloom only when it will have all the right ingredients given to it. The similar is the case of talent.. I think European countries and US are providing the right environment to show what we are capable of. In the past 60 years of independence India just moved on the old path set up by the colonial rulers.. our mindset after independence hasnt change.. since there was no real change in terms of governance.. the same government with all its power and controlling regime ruled India until 1990.. those who wanted to make it big.. have to leave india because of this controlling regime.. which has put restriction on everything.. instead of creating abundance in every field they got involved in petty politics and ignored the cause of nation building and never focused on real issues of health, infrastructure, power, food and water for all and education at primary as well as higher levels. Thats why except IITs, IIMs and few other institutes we dont have anything which comes in world ranking of even top 1000.

Indonesia, malasiya, south korea are some countries who got independence at the same time as ours and see where are these tiny little countries now. I havent included china since some might say that its different type of govt functioning there.. but still.. Japan and Germany .. even after getting destroyed in WW-2 are now among the top nations of the world. Some may say we have higher population but we had bigger land mass too.. than any of these countries.. even indonesia is fifth most populated country in the world.. but its on path of progress.. our politicians indulged in stupid things and which created a mess in Indian economy.. the economy which was ahead of china until 1985 now legs behind it.. I hope soon we will be able equal or even surpass them.

But after 1990 a refreshing change has taken place.. the new Indian generation which constitute around 70 % (under 40 years of age) of Indian population is not under past mental blocks.. they know they can do it .. they can make things work.. even against all odds.. they can challenge and win the battle.. we have shown it in few fields . now its turn to change in all fields.. like sports.. a nation of 1 billion ppl have to content with 1 silver medal in Olympics.. which is utterly shameful.. but our current political leaders doesnt have the will and the guts to lead us to and solve the problems that India is facing.. they are more involved in destroying the nation than to work for its progress.. this problem is not going to solve unless we start taking active interest in cause of nation building..

We have to work for creating a new India.. where we can cheer for our Indian team in soccer world cup.. instead of wondering on how good south American teams are playing.. where a nation of one billion doesnt have to live with one medal in Olympics.. where one LN mittal doesnt have to leave India to create worlds biggest steel company.. come.. together we can and we will build this resurgent India..

Vande Mataram
Jai Hind

An Old Hindu Legend..

According to an old Hindu legend.. There was once a time when all human beings were god like, but they so abused their divinity so much that Brahma, the supreme, decided to take it away from them and hide it where it could never be found, without hard soul searching work, so they deserve what they have.
Where to hide their divinity was the question. So Brahma called a council of the angels to help him decide. "Let's bury it deep in the earth," said the angels. But Brahma answered, "No, that will not do because humans will dig into the earth and find it." Then the angels said, "Let's sink it in the deepest ocean." But Brahma said, "No, not there, for they will learn to dive into the ocean and will find it." Then the angels said,
"Let's take it to the top of the highest mountain and hide it there." But once again Brahma replied, "No, that will not do either, because they will eventually climb every mountain and once again take up their divinity." Then the angels gave up and said, "We do not know where to hide it, because it seems that there is no place on earth or in the sea that human beings will not eventually reach."Brahma thought for a long time and then said, "Here is what we will do. We will hide their divinity deep in the center of their own being, for humans will never think to look for it there."All the angelss agreed that this was the perfect hiding place, and the deed was done. And since that time humans have been going up and down the earth, digging, diving, climbing, and exploring--searching for something already within themselves.

Interesting isnt it.. even though it seems like a story but it tells you all what you need.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Terrorism and Other Common Problems In India and Their Solutions

Terrorism, by now every Indian might be knowing what its all about, since we are the worst sufferer along with Israel of this phenomenon. We have lost our countless citizens, lots of soldiers and two prime ministers and billions of dollars to this philosophy of hate. Terrorism is very much different from any regular crime or riots since its always based of a particular ideology. This ideology is based on philosophy of two separate groups one is of so called oppressor and second is self assumed oppressed. Its a continuous cycle in which the oppressed is often funded by enemy countries, which feed them with all means to carry out their inhuman acts in name of religion, race or political oppression. In almost all cases the so called oppressed is motivated by religion or race, you can see it in case of Islamic terrorism and African tribal wars.

Before WW-2 we have seen lots of freedom struggles, which were against the colonial rulers all over the world. But these colonial rulers especially English, have left deep scars on all nations soul which they have ruled in past. Many terrorist activities that you see today are because of these scars which refuse to heal.

The undeclared war going on between India and Pakistan or the declared war between African tribes are outcome of British divide and rule policy, where they sow the seed of deep division in citizens mind. Promoting false superiority complex in communities on basis of castes, color and religion and keeping them divided so that they can never pose a united threat to their rule. And its sad to say that they have been succeeded in this. For this success we are paying with the blood of innocents till now.

Israel Arab conflict is also a gift of Britain to the world, when British started leaving countries they have occupied after World War 2; they started dividing them on the basis of religion and race. Almost all countries under British rule saw division and this division wasnt most of the times for good. I think British took some maps and just drew some vertical and horizontal lines without keeping the cultural and tribal aspects in mind. They never thought what will be the outcome of these actions. All the countries are still fighting with each other over something or other. Why British did it just before they were leaving still wonders me a lot. So the past was in hand of British but present is in our hand and if we keep crying for the past we are for sure going to miss the present and subsequently future. So its better to start worrying about present and have a foundation for good future.

Terrorism and corruption are become biggest problems which Indians are facing today. They are the only two road blocks in Indias path to success and reclaim its past glory. They are the root causes since because of corruption we are having problems like lack of primary education, infrastructure, lack of all civic facilities, deforestation, power shortage and all other problems except security threats. They are all related to corruption since because of that only all the money which is allotted to these things just goes in vain. This problem can only be tackle by good public support and awareness. If all Indians decide that they wont pay bribe to get any of their work done in RTOs and other govt departments, it can be curbed to a great extent. The govt employee corruption can be controlled by tough laws and fast track courts to deal specifically to corruption related issues. One most important thing will be introduction of moral teachings at higher educational level. This moral corruption of India is root cause where conscious doesnt feel the guilt of taking bribe to do the job. The definition of honest and dishonest has got changed over the years. Now dishonest is the one who even after taking money doesnt do your job. And honest person has become an endangered species, about whom you are just going to listen in stories after few more years. This moral corruption has to be eradicated if we have to achieve developed India by 2020.

Second is terrorism. Terrorism in India as we all know is basically funded by Pakistan and Saudi petrol money. Bangladesh and Pakistani jehadi elements were main executioner of this low intensity war. But they have found lots of local support from home grown jehadi elements like SIMI, PDF (Madani) in Kerala, MIM (Hyderabad), terrorists in north east India and Muslim youths who are misguided by some fanatic mullahs, who are thinking of bringing India into dar ul Islam part of the world. When the terrorism in India was solely in Pakistans area of interest, it would have been somewhat easy for us to tackle this threat since it was limited to Kashmir only but after 1993 bomb blasts in Mumbai this pattern got changed and now with the help of home grown fanatics, terrorism is hurting deep inside India.

Terrorists are not sparing anyone, they are attacking temples, educational institutions, trains, crowded market places or any thing by which they can show that they have capability to bleed India, if not cut it in one go. They just want maximum damage to be done and for this they are crossing all the limits of humanity.

All the terrorism in India has its main source in Pakistan. So in my view if we want to tackle terrorism, the root cause has to be fought, we have to follow a bottom up approach to solve this problem. By this approach I mean to say that we have to cut the source of funding and training which are basically in Pakistan. We know for sure that Pakistan voluntarily wont give them up. We have to pressurize Pakistan to do this. This can be done in various ways. The best comes in my mind is to give Pakistan taste of its own medicine. We have to wage a low intensity war in Pakistan like they are doing in Kashmir. All four major states of Pakistan are having trouble with each other. Pakistani military and administrative services are full of people from Pakistani Punjab. Other 3 portions of Pakistan dont like this phenomenon as Pakistani Punjab is becoming prosperous at the cost of other three states specially Baluchistan and Sindh. I havent included NWFP as this portion doesnt have much to offer.

As we have experience from Bangladesh and other Islamic countries religion only cant be basis of a nation. There are cultural, economical and other political factors to be considered while building up a nation. As in case of India we are becoming more dependable on each other economically so by every day the north south east west divide is becoming thinner. This increase of interdependency and peoples movement has given India stability and will of a nation. There are other issues to be resolved like language but those are becoming secondary as English is taking prominent position in business and official communication. Aryan invasion theory is also proven to be false so the great Aryan Dravidian divide is not present at bigger scale and after sometime with more evidence this divide will eventually go.

But Pakistans case is different as you rarely see a democracy there. Democracy gives voices to citizens which is most important factor of any nations survival which is as diverse as India. Pakistan is ruled and always going to be ruled by military either direct or through proxies. This military is dominated by Pakistani Punjab officers and here we have chance. India should adopt pro active approach towards disintegration of Pakistan in four parts. You can hear the news about tribal folks in Baluchistan are fighting against Pakistani Army. We just have to ignite it more. Make them fight with each other so that they dont have time to think on what is going on in India. As far as nuclear arsenal of Pakistan is concerned, I think US will take care of that. We should station some of our troops in Afghanistan to build pressure on Pakistans military so that they have Indian forces on both sides of their border. This is going to be quite uncomfortable for Pakistani military.

I am against all out open war against Pakistan as this is going to hurt Indias economy and will destroy all the progress we have made in last 20 years. Since Pakistan also has capability to fire its missiles deep inside India. So the open war is not going to be fought on borers like previous wars. Its going to destroy our homes and cities in India and strengthen Pakistani generals in their control over Pakistan. Damage involved is too much and we should avoid a direct conflict.

Simultaneously we should keep our focus to our own home grown and fed Osamas and build up strong political will to call spade a spade. Bring some tough laws and enforce them effectively to deal with those who support terrorism. There should be a real zero tolerance for those who are involved in anti national acts. The punishment should be so severe that it should act as a lesson for those who are willing to follow this anti national path by citing religious, regional, lingual or caste reasons. Find the mad dog before it bites and kill or atleast keep it separated from rest of the population.

This is all going to happen only when we Indians understand our duties for the nation. When we understand that this is our motherland to which we have to serve by all means available. The educated middle class has to come out on voting day to vote instead going for a picnic as on holidays. They have to educate the poor masses and make them understand the correct use of their voting power, so that no single vote would be cast in name of religion, castes and languages and every vote is meant for those who stands for development of India and its all citizens. I hope this day come soon so that we can give our next generation proud of getting birth in the Jagat Guru of the world once again. Come together, we all have to work in this direction. We can and we will reclaim Indias golden past.

Vande Mataram

Universality In Hinduism

Idham Mitram Agnim Ãhu atho; Dhivya Sah: Suparnah Garûthman
E'kam Sath Viprah: Bahudhãh Vadhanthi, Agnim; Yama Matharisvãnam Ãhuh: -- Rig Veda - Verse I-164.46

Translation: They call Him (It) Indra, Mitra, Varuna, Agni; and He is the heavenly nobly-winged Garuthman ! To what is One, Sages give many a title, Agni, Yama, Matharisvan they call it !!

This verse from worlds oldest written religious scripture basically means that the supreme truth or the ultimate reality is only one and wise people know this truth by different names. This verse forms basis of Hindu or Sanatan Dharma (The eternal religion), where everything perceivable and non perceivable through five senses are essentially one and inseparable from each other. Only a veil of ignorance which is described in Hindu Shastras as Maya or illusion (which seems to be there for senses but not actually present e.g. Mirage) keeps us Jiva away from the supreme soul i.e. Ishwara.

As you dwell your mind deeper into vast oceanic knowledge of Hinduism you will soon realize that there are essentially three stages for worshipping and realizing the ultimate reality. They are Dvaita i.e. Dualistic stage, Vishishta Dvaita i.e Qualified Non-Dualistic stage and Advaita i.e. Non-dualistic stage. There are proponents of all these three stages in Hinduism. Understanding these three systems of thoughts on supreme reality is essential in understanding universality of Hindu System of thoughts and this understanding will result in knowledge of Hinduism as mother religion of every way of worship which exists on earth today.

Dualistic philosophy was mainly propagated by Shri Madhavacharya. As per this philosophy soul and supreme soul are not one and this universe consists of three realities i.e. Ishwara (God), Jiva (Soul) and Jada (Insentient matter). Soul is dependant on the supreme soul and this dependency creates clear distinction between Ishwara and Jiva. Semitic religions like Christianity, islam and Judaism fall in this first stage of religion to certain extent as they also have a clear distinction between the god and humans. Qualified non dualism or Vishishta Dvaita had Shri Ramanujacharya as its biggest propagator. This is a special case of non dualism in which says that even after salvation or Moksha the soul retains its individuality but this system is different from dualism in the sense that it believes that souls share essential nature of brahma or the supreme. Both dualism and qualified non dualism systems believe in supremacy of Lord Vishnu and think of him as the supreme soul. They both believe in cycle or karmas and rebirth of souls and say that only bhakti or true devotion to the lord Vishnu will result in salvation of soul. In that sense these two systems of thoughts belong to monism system of worship and believe in Saguna Supreme i.e God with form and attributes.

The most important and revolutionary system of philosophy in Hinduism is Non Dualism or Advaitwaad. This is the final stage of human philosophy related to GOD, as nothing can go beyond this system of thinking. In this system of thought the living, non living things and the supreme reality are essentially one. This whole world is unreal and Braham is the only reality. This whole universe along with all infinite sky is projection of supreme reality himself. This universe starts, exists and merges in the supreme like the bubble in water. The soul is essentially pure and its part of the supreme himself. A veil of ignorance or Maya keeps us away from our own true nature. When we remove this veil of ignorance than our soul reaches its logical destination and becomes Supreme himself. It achieves him and become him. The sages who achieved the supreme have declared that Aham Brahamasmi i.e. I am him or the supreme. This system of thought believes in Nirguna Braham or God without any form or attributes. Sri Adi Shankaracharya was biggest proponent of this philosophy and logically speaking this philosophy overshadows all other system of thoughts in its content, reach and universality.

The Hindu mind reached pinnacles of glory in ancient times in every walk of life. This glory was of such a magnitude that no other system of its time was even closer to its feet in terms of achievement. Even when one Buddha stood up against prevailing wrong practices in contemporary Indian society, no one dared to harm him physically, even though he was saying things against prevailing customs. Every one challenged him for debate and after losing they became his followers. But compare this to one Christ of west. Christ was at first saying that he is one of the Jews only, his message is for Jews in particular but whole world knows that west crucified Christ for theirs sake and Buddha became 9th Avatar of Lord Vishnu in Hinduism. The point which I am trying to make here is in India we have always given importance to logic and superiority of mind over anything. Its because of this only the kings in times of Vivekananda found great happiness in pulling his chariot in streets of India when he returned back from world religion meeting from US. The wealth and power of the Hindu kings has always bowed down in front of saffron cloths of a monk. We have always looked for gaining spiritual advances instead of material possessions. Our best intellect was directed towards in search of god rather than gold and diamonds.

I believe that if there is any real spirituality left in world than it is our motherland that is Bharat or India. We have to achieve Indias past glory again. If you want a job to be successful than it should be done by learning lessons from past, knowing needs of present and being alert for the future and believe me if we just follow these three things any work is bound to be successful. We all often look for temporary solutions as the permanent one is often more painful and slow process. But by looking for temporary solution we forget most important thing which is fragility or temporariness of that solution. After some time the same problem is bound to rise and we again have to run for some solution. Isnt it would be great that we should just look for one time solid response for the problems, and face it with courage and determination, which may take longer time but wont bother us again.

This thinking is again needed if we want Mother India to regain her crown and past glory. The will of a nation to stand up as one for anything and against everything is the need of the hour. Arise and awake Hindus as this is the only solution to the problems we are facing in India today. Come together, O Hindus we can and we will take back the crown for our beloved mother India and reinstate her as Jagat Guru once again.

Vande Mataram