Monday, December 31, 2012

मेरी कवितायेँ - कोई ज्योति अब और नहीं

तुम  माँ  के  चेहरे  की  चमक  , पिता  के सीने  में  पलता  गुरुर  थी 
दादी  के  हाथ में  खेला  हुआ  बचपन , भाई  की  आँखों  का  नूर  थी ,

अपने  चाचा  की  दुलारी  गुडिया  और  मामा  की  प्यारी सी हूर थी, 
 एक प्रेमी की होने वाली दुल्हन और दोस्तों की टोली का कोहिनूर थी !

एक बस तुम्हारे होने से ही कितनी तमन्नाये और अरमान जुड़े थे ,
एक ख्वाब सा सज रहा था और दिलों के बाग़ महक रहे थे, 

पर उस कातिल रात को याद करके अब भी सिहरन उठती है ,
जिस रात को इस देश की बेटी की यूँ सरे आम आबरू लुटती है ,

दरिंदगी को पार कर गया ये वो घिनोना पल है, 
क्या कहूँ इन्सान होने पे मुझे आती बड़ी शर्म है ,

वो दामिनी , अमानत निर्भया नहीं , कोई माँ बेटी बहन ही थी,
हैवानियत का शिकार हुयी, एक मासूम परी ही थी , 

एक आस मन में जागी थी की फिर हंसती हुयी दिखेगी वो , 
इस लड़ाई को वो जीतेगी और फिर उठ के चल पड़ेगी वो , 

शरीर के घाव तो भर जाते पर शायद आत्मा भी कुचल गयी ,
हमें छोड़ दामिनी इश्वर की पवित्र संगत में चली गयी ,

है भारत के निर्लज्ज लोगों तुम इसी स्त्री को पूजते हो,  
उसी के गर्भ में जन्म पाके , उसी की गोद में पलते हो, 

लेकिन उसी की गर्भ में हत्या करके खुद को कलंकित करते हो ,
उसी को कहीं अकेली पाके , उसका स्त्रीत्व हरते हो , 

कलयुग है पर प्रलय नहीं है , अब भी जागो और समझो , 
जिसने मह्षासुर को मारा , उस दुर्गा को कम मत समझो , 

आओ प्रण लो इस देव भूमि पर , धर्म पताका फिर फहरेगी, 
माँ को उसका सम्मान मिलेगा , कोई ज्योति  फिर दुःख न सहेगी !!

"भूमिपुत्र " 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

An Indian prophecy to become true on 20th December 2012- End is near for Congress Brand of Politics

Most of people around the world are very curious about what is going to happen on Friday 21st December 2012, as Mayan long cycle is coming to an end. Many have said that it would be end of this world as we see it. But looking at all scientific evidence it’s a highly unlikely scenario. In my view the end of long Mayan cycle actually means that there would be an end to our old thinking process in world as we see it today and people world over will become more enlighten with each passing day. I am not sure about what is really going to happen after 21st December as per Mayan Calendar but I am really sure about what is going to happen on 20th December 2012 after Gujarat election results.

Narendra Modi’s thumping victory in Gujarat election will mark the beginning of the end of Congress brand of divide, rule & appeasement politics in India. Modiji’s politics has really destroyed long held political wisdom of Indian political pundits and Congress, SP, BSP type politicians, who still believe that Indians are just made up of large voting blocs based on religion, castes & languages and people will continue to vote on religion, caste or language basis and it doesn’t matter whether you give them any real development or not.

I am not blaming these politicians to think like that because to an extent Indians actually behaved in the same fashion. Anyone can play a caste reservation card and get their votes en bloc. Anyone can play regional pride & language card and get vote en bloc. Anyone could play the religion card and again get vote en bloc by showing the fear of others coming to power and butchering the whole community out. Congress, since first election in India has mastered this art of divide, rule & appeasement politics, where they knew that real development is not needed and only lip service can assure them of power. The Dalits who used be greatest voting bloc for Congress started realizing that soon and started voting for other political parties. Muslims on other hand have different strategy in Loksabha & Vidhan Sabha elections and they vote for the party which can defeat BJP. This defeating BJP at any cost mindset comes from imaginary fear of RSS which Digvijay & Mulayam type of politicians help in sustaining. Congress or Mulayam has never really worked for real Muslim interest of development and education but taken them for a ride on emotive issues. Because if they can get votes for free why to actually work for it.

Congress brand of politics is big believer in status quo as status quo serves the purpose of establishment. In maintaining status quo the rich and powerful maintain their control over masses and tweak the system as per their will. They milk the system to their maximum use, become owner of big businesses, get prime residential & commercial land at throw away prices, get their work done at ease and still enjoy 24X7 police protection to do all illegal activities. These pro status quo elites also control the media and sing the tune of establishment with no real public interest in mind. I am sure you all might have seen it how NDTV always sings Congress tune and some journalists like Alok Mehta, Veer Sanghvi & Barkha Dutt make it too obvious to see their vested interests. The arrival of social media platforms has changed it all. Now you atleast get to hear the real view of masses and information flows more or less freely. The openness of social media has become the big issue of status quo maintaining people as they see their deeds are coming out in open. The status quo maintaining elites don’t have larger public interest in mind and that’s why they are against the change.

But for their bad luck India still produces real leaders who really think of doing something for whole Indians and never accepts the status quo. Modi’s style of politics is against all status quo as he believes in destroying all establishments which worked for elites and make the system common people friendly. Since Modiji is against that status quo that’s why ruling elites across political and media are afraid of losing their control and ask for Modiji’s head. Even though some Muslims still believe in Congress and so call secular propaganda and see him as the person responsible for post Godhra violence but many have seen his work and as per the exit polls even voting for him. The Muslims in Gujarat have shown the way for Muslims all around India, they are sending their children to modern schools, getting involved in business and building their community in positive way. That’s why Muslims in Gujarat are better off than so called secular states like west Bengal and uttar Pradesh. His performance is so good that leaua Patel caste, instead of voting for Keshubhai Patel, votes for him in large number. He gives elections speeches in Hindi and no Gujrati minds it. He has made all old wisdom of keeping caste, religion and regional constituencies happy an old fashioned subject. 

Modiji’s mantra of “sauno sath, sauno vikas” has really struck chord with many. He has dedicated his life for greater development on Gujratis and through them Indians. He has really shown that if a single honest but powerful individual decides to do something positive, he can achieve a lot. I have lived in Gujarat for many years and can vouch for the progress happened over last 10 years. As Modiji rightly said in his many speeches that when electricity goes off in Gujarat it becomes news while when it comes in rest of India it becomes news. Gujratis are very nice and business friendly people and Modiji has given wings to their entrepreneurial desires. It’s so nice to see all round development of Gujarat. It’s time for Modiji to take responsibility of being Prime Minister of India and to do that he has to make people of other states see what development oriented politics can really achieve. I know that there are many people from other states who work in Gujarat but still a lot many are missing out so I have a suggestion for Modiji.

When he becomes CM again, he should start a “Atithi Devo Bhav” scheme of branding Gujrat and its administrative agility for Indians in other states. For doing that he should invite atleast 100 people from each district of India to Gujarat for a weeklong visit on Gujarat Government expense. These 100 people should be from all diverse background from that district. The teams from these districts should come in 2 batches of 50 people. 50 people from one district in Northern India should be joined by another 50 people from either south or North East India. These people should come to Ahmedabad via train from their respective districts and should be toured around in Gujarat via bus & train so that they can see the real development and Modiji’s policies. I think this “Atithi Devo Bhav” scheme will give greater exposure to Modiji on national level and help him in becoming Prime Minister of India.

I am now becoming a bigger Narendra Modi supporter by each passing day and propagate slogan of “Ek Hi Vikalp -Modi”. I am just waiting for humiliating defeat of Congress in Gujarat elections and we can see Narendra Modi riding that wave to become PM of India in near future. An Indian’s prophecy of beginning of end of Congress brand of politics is going to come true on 20th December 2012. Let’s hope for better future of India under Modiji. 

My Reply to Aakar Patel for His Article in Hindustan Times in May 2012

(This article by Aakar is now removed from Mint, thats why the link doesnt work anymore)
Hello Aakar,

I hope you are doing fine. I just finished reading your article

". I must say that you bring out some new thoughts to table but your hatred for RSS and BJP is evident from many paragraphs you have written on both. Let me brief you about myself. I am a young Indian, an engineer by profession and living my life comfortably under the corrupt government which is primarily elected by Indians who doesnt understand the value of the votes. You are right in your guessing that I carry an anti congress attitude and is not fond of Italian lady as much as you are. CONgrOss's primary voters are uneducated indians, who just get carried away by mass bribery schemes like MNREGA, the farmer loan waiver scheme, SICKulars & Muslims & Christians, who are terrified by imaginary prospect of getting killed under BJP rule. This RSS,BJP phobia generally gets spread by likes of Digvijay singh and dont hesitate in fanning communal violence for sake of some votes.

I am not sure how you are conveniently forgetting that what BJP is suffering politically is the same illness as CONgross. Perhaps your colored eyes didnt see how JaganMohan Reddy is not the part of Congress, perhaps you didnt see how Mamta was earlier a congress leader, perhaps you fail to see how Rahul-Priyanka-Sonia-Robert Vadra & his kids combined failed so miserably in recent UP elections, perhaps you dont see how Sharad Pawar was once a congress leader only.

I can just laugh when you say that Sonia is the greatest of Congress leaders after Nehru. Perhaps you fail to remember your own fellow Patel Sardar Vallabhbhai or even Indira Gandhi. I am not sure who paid you to write this article but your whole premise is based on seeing India as combination of different castes and not as one nation. I
agree that its true to certain extent in present but do you really feel that the boundaries of castes can remain same after 20 years? Have you ever asked someone's caste before making friends with them or talking to them? If you dont do it than how come you believe that castes will be a relevant factor after10- 20 years?

I completely disagree when you say that BSP represents the most wronged ones, but yeah I agree that Hindu anger against muslims is mostly reactionary and not bigoted one like that of Muslims against Hindus or any other non muslim. I agree with the fact that parties like BSP has helped in bringing the self confidence back in SCs & STs but again I dont agree that only SCs & STs are the people who have been wronged by the rulers. Its complete hindu population who was wronged by foreign rulers and if Hindus collectively havent resisted enough we would have been a part of OIC by now.

Let me clarify my stand, I am not against any religion, for me as a devout hindu all paths lead to same destination. I dont have any problem in someone worshiping the God the way they want it but yeah I will have problem if someone will start claiming that my way of reaching to God is wrong and I have to follow theirs otherwise either
they will kill me or I will have to live a life of second class citizen.

There are many Indians like me who abhor congress and its corrupt culture. I think if you are of the belief that its congress which represents India than I am ashamed of this India, its daily corruption, total disregard of human life, 70% people without proper sanitation facility & clean drinking water, the vulgar display of power by rich & powerful, our callousness towards other poor indians and blind worshiping of Money without checking the means to get that
money. I completely agree that CONgrOss represents this India and Sonia & Gandhi family is embodiment of all the ills. The CONgrOss relies heavily on the fact that Indians in general suffer from short term memory loss and when the election come they will just give another mass bribery scheme to win that election. But that wont remain
same after some time as Indians are getting educated at their own cost as all the attempt of CONgrOss to keep India illiterate has failed now.

Please dont insult Indians like me by claiming that CONgrOss will remain the party of future. The more Rahul speaks the more faster decline of the CONgrOss will be. Indians now are smart enough not to fall for fair skin and loose talk. As far as your contempt for Nitin Gadkari goes, I can just say that the waitress, who has told many lies
about her education & background, is not even suited for becoming a maid in a hotel but its our bad luck that she is ruling us like a queen bee. I know I can be sued for writing this under some IT act but as you rightly pointed out the hindu rage is often reactionary and when I saw the comment that you feel Sonia is the biggest leader in India, I couldnt control myself. Please have some mercy on your own MMS, whom you like so much and write to Sonia that she gives him permission to fight in Loksabha elections and stop enjoying power without accountability.

Kind Regards

Friday, December 07, 2012

What should we Indians cry more for- Unprincipled Politicians or Ignorant Voters?

I thought there would be a threshold after which every politician in India will realize that he/she shouldn’t stoop to the level after which it will become too obvious for everyone that he/she has only his/her personal interest in mind and he / she doesn’t give a damn about this country of 1.2 Billion people. After watching the FDI in multi brand retail debate drama and seeing how politicians have changed their color during the whole issue makes me sick & terrified about future of my beloved nation in hands of such politicians. The way Congress has got support of Mulayam & Mayawati on FDI issue makes me wonder if Mulayam & Mayawati at all understand what FDI in multi brand retail means. Mulayam claims to have RamManohar Lohiaji as his ideal and enjoys large number of poor muslim’s support & similarly Mayawati enjoys support of many of Dalits who saw her as hope which will change their destiny. Mayawati wasn’t able to change destiny of Dalits but I think she has made sure that her destiny has really got changed. Mulayam also knows that its Muslims in large numbers who own lots of small shops in large numbers and are going to be affected by this decision of granting foreign control in Multibrand retail. Still these two politicians have gone against their own vote bank and declared their support for FDI in multi brand retail.

I am not against FDI per se. FDI in high technology areas, infrastructure segment, vehicle development, tourism & big industrial applications should be welcomed and needed. But FDI in retail which is really a low skill sector and sure winner of large market without much effort is surrender of our economic interest and food supply chain to foreigners. The amount of easy money which is going to be generated is not going to be used in India’s development but it will fill the foreign coffers. Let me give you another example. Mughal’s were foreigners but after first generation of Babur, they became Indian. Mughal’s ruled India for 250+ years but since they had nowhere else to go besides India, all money generated with in India was used with in India. Compare this to British India. British ruled us in totality for 90 years after 1857 defeat of Indians. As per the Economist Magazine data India was second richest country in whole world till 1850s and was contributing approximately 30% of World’s GDP. What happened in next 90 years after 1857 is for all to see. British made India a raw material producing nation; they manufactured outside India and dumped their foreign goods on us.  Whatever they earned, they took it to Britain and result was India became one of the world’s poorest countries and Britain is still one of the world’s richest countries. Is it so hard for our esteemed politicians to understand that FDI in multi brand retail isn’t a successful story anywhere in the world. Even in US super stores like Walmart are held responsible for many of manufacturing job losses from US to China.
All the arguments given by Congress for allowing FDI in multibrand retail are bogus. The multi brand retail FDI never helps the local farmer as when purchasing power becomes concentrated in hands for few super stores, farmers are forced to bear losses as Guardian newspaper recently found out in UK. Building up cold storage facility is government’s responsibility so instead of opening up that sector and developing infrastructure, Congress opted for selling nation to foreigners. It’s Congress which is responsible for mess in our infrastructure sector as they are ones who ruled independent India 85% of the time. I think Congress has chosen this way first to suppress bribery related issues in Walmart’s ongoing India operations and secondly to bring black money of its leaders from outside India.

If Congress can get its way in toxic decision of passing multi brand retail FDI than as an Indian you should be worried about two major factors; one is of unprincipled politics and the other is of ignorant voters. But decision to cry more on any of them is not going to yield any results as this is a case of “quid pro quo”. These two factors feed on each other and in end we get result of Mulayam & Mayawati. In my opinion, from now onwards the male Chameleon in India should be called Mulayam & the female Chameleon should be called Mayawati. Personal interest of getting exposed by CBI can bring two arch enemies like Mulayam & Mayawati together but they can never come together for betterment of India as whole. Its such a pity that we have to bear politicians like Karunanidhi, Mulayam, Mayawati & Sharad Pawar, who oppose this FDI at their state level but support Congress in bringing it at center level. Their double speak is so obvious but there are high chances that they would again be elected by ignorant masses of India.

I am simply amazed by arrogance of Congress in many issues. They justify the same crime when they do it and create a hue and cry when they find it was from any opposition member. The way they have pushed aside Vadra corruption, brought back Abhishek Manu SInghvi to news channels even after his shameful sexual expose on TV, arrogance of Gandhi family members of treating India as their personal property, indulging in unimaginable diatribe against institutions like supreme court, CAG, CVC and others, indulging in open corruption and loot and still ruling India is beyond my imagination. There is something seriously wrong with us Indians that we let these thugs & cheats rule us for so long.

Few days ago, Manmohan Singh, just like some sage, has opened my eyes to a new wonder as he says money doesn’t grow on trees & poor me was always thinking that it does. Till two weeks ago when MMS’s golden words enlightened me, I didn’t understand why my father was working so hard when we could have plucked the green leaves money from home grown "MoneyPlant" which is so common in every Indian home. Perhaps MMS, like his knowledge of economics, got confused that people of India are really thinking that MoneyPlant is not actual "Money" plant. As per Congress we Indians are still thinking of Moneyplant as actual “Money” plant and this thinking is coming in our understanding of financial mess that this government has created by recklessly spending on unproductive schemes like MNREGA, NRHM, Food Security, policy paralysis and doing mega corruption scams. Perhaps the bureaucrat robot economist must ask this question first that who is responsible for all this mess. He can lavishly spend hundreds of crores on putting advertisement of even a dog of Gandhi family, Pratibha Patil taking her all distance relatives on foreign tours and spending 7200 INR per plate on UPA anniversary dinner but he has objection on why middle class and poor Indians are having more than 6 cylinders per year for cooking their everyday meal. He conveniently blocks Gujarat’s proposal of taking gas pipelines in most of the cities and thereby saving lots of money sales, distribution & bottling operations but has no trouble in allowing wasteful expenditure and running such a big, bloated and fat government which just eats up revenue in corruption and Sonia’s medical (I doubt it) trips abroad.   

If anyone has listened to boring his monologue, he says all these things in such a robotic fashion that I now really admire how much Sonia has trained him to carry out any order that she wants to implement.  I think MMS & Madam’s Congress still think that Indians are living in 1950s mentality and they can still rule the ignorant masses. When we have this type of corrupt people ruling India, who can go to any length for supporting stupid arguments, then it’s time for India to stand up against such insensitive & corrupt rulers.

It’s through mega Congress scams that India has lost so much revenue, it’s through their shortsightedness we have plunged in this economic crisis and when the time has come for sacrifice they are sacrificing the common Indian people's interest. FDI in retail is a disastrous move. It has already been proven in many countries that it leads to lots of unemployment for small business owners. If you have been to USA, you must have seen how Walmart type stores function. They sell in economies of scale and have very deep pockets to suffer loss to wipe out competition from any vendor. To sell cheap food items they do lots of contract farming for meat, chicken and other agricultural food items. To grow it on mass scale they use different types of seeds and feed animals with different type of diet so that they become fatter in short time. Since it is not natural growth such type of food produce becomes not so healthy for common people.  

FDI in retail is not needed as retail sell is low skill sector, any Indian company can do it and money generated will remain in India. Indian companies like Big Bazar and others are already doing it. Its low skill sector and why you want to make big foreign retail monsters to make big money out of low skilled sector. You need FDI in many hi tech or capital intensive sectors like Infrastructure but inspite of all his knowledge of economics this MMS is not able to do that. FDI in agriculture was done few years ago and how many companies do you see investing in agriculture? It’s time now to tell MMS & Congress's SICKular thugs that votes also don’t grow on trees, wake up Indians, Everyone knows that Congress survives on manipulation of media and are expert in diverting attention from the main cause. I know they have done it to start parliament in next session so that BJP can’t boycott the parliament now as it was doing on Coalgate scam in which PM was also involved. Kishor Biyani is not spokesperson of common Indian retailer. I don’t think we need FDI in low skill sector, creating infrastructure is what government’s job and it can have a different policy for that. If Congress doesn’t have any concrete steps in that direction than it shows what kind of economist MMS is. No one kills humans to make bridge to cross some river so that they can cultivate land on other side, by allowing FDI in multibrand retail Congress has crossed all its limits.

Now I might get arrested under section IT ACT 66A for writing what I have written as I have caused enough “annoyance” now. I wonder when Congress Media Managers are going to ask for ban on growing moneyplant in Indian homes like they did for twitter and Facebook, as MMS thinks moneyplants are spreading illusion in people and they do not understand his sound logic of India being in financial distress. MMS was never in control and if you remember the shirtless protest he faced few months ago, he didn’t even mention shirtless protest in his speech and started reading the pre written words like a robot. I think Sonia has trained her poodle well who is just good at carrying one task at a time like a robot. FDI In Retail, FDI in Aviation, Hike in diesel Prices, Hike in Gas Cylinder Prices well Dear Washington Post don’t criticize MMS, next time he will declare a war against China to prove he is active and in control. This is height of Congress arrogance where they are doing everything against poor people & common man’s interest and still claiming they are representing common man’s interest.

I am now becoming a bigger Narendra Modi supporter by each passing day and propagate slogan of “Ek Hi Vikalp -Modi”. I am just waiting for humiliating defeat of Congress in Gujarat elections and we can see Narendra Modi riding that wave to become PM of India in near future. Till than I think we all have to suffer Congress & its Chameleons!! 

Monday, August 06, 2012

Only CONgrOss Will Gain By Team Anna's Political Party

As a concern citizen of India, I supported and still support the anti-corruption movement of Annaji & BabaRamdev. I will support all the movement in this nation as long as they are for country's benefit and anti-Congress, as I hold Congress responsible for all the ills of India, simply by the fact that they have ruled India 85% of its independence and they had the golden chance of making India a developed nation inspite its all challenges but Congress chose to look into other direction just to keep one family in power and they ignored and kept whole nation as second priority. I don’t think Congress has done anything to make the country what it could have been. Inspite of 65 years of independence if 60% of population doesn’t have sanitation facilities, 70% doesn’t have access to clean drinking water, 95% doesn’t have round the clock electricity (excluding the lucky ones who live in Gujarat) and still suffer power outage for 2 days, no government primary school functions as it supposed to, higher education is in total mess in majority of cases, very few public servants including officials and politicians are honest and don’t indulge in corruption, only few major politicians got convicted and jailed in corruption case since independence, still the roads at many places feel like it’s the small patches of road in all holes, and Congress ruled this country 85% of its independence so blame belongs to Congress as they could have taken country on the path of all inclusive development but they chose to promote the castism, communalism and regionalism to overcome the difficulty of not fighting elections on development plank. I know the opposition parties like BJP is not all pure, but unfortunately we have to choose a lesser thief among all thieves and in my opinion BJP is lesser thief while Congress rules the chart.

I don’t like to support the regional parties as they promote narrow regionalism over larger nationalism but I understand that they give voices to regional concerns which the national party like Congress failed to do but still I would prefer to vote for a national party rather than a regional one. That’s why I support all movements which are for making India a better place to live and remove a blot named Congress from face of this nation’s soul. I supported AnnaJi's movement and was on Ramleela grounds when he broke the fast last year. So I have a stake in success of this movement. I was also of opinion that continuous fasting is not the way to achieve the JanLokpal. AnnaJi had the Golden chance like the way India had in 65, 71 wars to settle the Kashmir dispute, for bringing JanLokpal last year. He let it go under pressure from well-wishers and called off the fast. Nationalists like me ( I am a RSS supporter) will support all such movements. The members of team Anna misunderstood the support that they got for Anti corruption movement for themselves as individuals. Off course AnnaJi has got respect of millions including me but his team members started abusing patriotic organizations like RSS just to pander to needs of so called secular Media and thugs like Digvijay & Kapil Sibal. Once they start abusing the organizations like RSS people like me will definitely give the support you take for granted a second look. That’s why the second agitation in Mumbai failed because the supporters of nationalistic causes were hurt by these outbursts. Now this time I was not convinced that a fast will achieve something but was really inspired by Arvind's slogan that it’s fast unto death. Please don’t get me wrong I am not the one who wishes Arvind some ill thing and I know that a alive and healthy Arvind is much more dangerous for corrupts than a dead Arvind. I am sorry if my language sounds brutal but there were other ways in which they should have called off this fast. AnnaJi and Kejriwal did the fast by telling that they are here to die for the noble cause. It would have been a good face saving grace for them if they would have been forcibly removed by Delhi Police and force fed. I am OK with Arvind Kejriwal breaking his fast and live for another day to fight out the battle as he is diabetic and we need people like him to live and fight our war. Loss of his life is what anti national parties like Congress wants and we should be careful and pragmatic but the way so called whole Anna Team called off their fast is not good. I think Manish Sisodiya could have continued the fast and would have become the rallying point.

Arvind Kejriwal & others did the first mistake by calling for the fast again, they did another mistake by calling it off without any gain. They are now doing third mistake by launching a political party. I again thought that lets support by all possible means to Annaji so that something positive will come out of it but I never thought that it would be a foray into politics. I don’t support the idea of AnnaJi's team coming to politics on India against corruption platform, they can join it as individuals but I am never going to support a politician who harbors the idea of Kashmir as free country like Prashant Bhushan or a communist like Medha Patkar who is against all development. By launching a political party they are simply dividing the anti-congress vote. I still support their cause but I think they did call off this fast to not allow big presence in Baba Ramdev's rally in Delhi on 9 August. The common public won’t believe in anyone's Anshan to such a great level again. I completely agree that they are fighting my war but by forming political party they are going to harm anti Congress parties and Narendra ModiJi, which is not acceptable to me. I want ModiJi to be PM of India and if Annaji & Kejriwal think of cutting his votes than I am not going to support these individuals anymore. Annaji & the team's main appeal was that they are not political people. They will lose the same as their political ideas are not so great. I am practical enough to know that Anna's party will eat away Anti-Congress votes and Congress will win again inspite of all corruptions, anti-national activities, communalism and non-governance. By doing the mistake of forming a political party, Team Anna is falling into Congress trap of dividing the educated middle class vote. In India we have illiterate people going for the voting majority of the times. The educated ones treat the voting day as picnic day and most of them have migrated to new places where they are not registered for giving votes so they can’t travel to their constituency for casting votes. AnnaJi's team is doing right thing by creating awareness about corruption in daily life. 

I don’t think Anna & his team should form a political party to achieve what they need. Their strategy should be to give support to those candidates who believe in their JanLokpal as I feel the nationalist intelligent votes are already less and by forming a different political party Anna will reduce the chances of winning of Non-Congress candidates.. As Congress's main vote bank are illiterates and minorities, who dont understand the issues at depth and are more vulnerable to Charisma of a corrupt family and appeasement by doing lip service and imaginary fear of RSS. Congress managers like Digvijay and Khurshid know that if congress has to survive they just need to talk some rubbish on election time like Sonia crying for slain muslim terrorists of Indian Mujahidin, communal reservation, RSS is going to kill all minorities if BJP comes to power, to keep this vote bank happy. I don’t support formation of a different political party either by BabaRamdev or Annaji. I think they should support politicians like NarendraModi Ji as atleast Modiji does what he promises and result available for all to see in Gujarat. My love is my country and I will support even an animal that stands up to fight against corruption and wellbeing of this whole nation. I think Anna & Kejriwal are doing good job of awakening people and helping them in realizing how this nation has suffered through all the years. Many people probably may not know but long before Anna became active in social work and anti-corruption ways, organizations like RSS have been functioning silently all these years for upliftment of whole motherland. So my advice for members of team Anna would be tactically support candidates of major political party who takes pledge to support their version of JanLokpal and don’t abuse patriotic organizations like RSS. It will do much good to them and country rather than forming a political party which helps in sustaining the mother of all corruption in India that is Congress.  By forming the political party by team Anna only one party will gain for sure- Congress. If that's what members of Anna's team want then they don't deserve my support. I hope they will listen to common people like me as Team Anna like me is nothing but common committed citizens of India. Vande Mataram..

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Is this the Democracy Which Our Honorable Parliamentarians Want To Protect From Likes Of Anna Hazare & Baba Ramdev?

The often quoted definition of democracy is “Democracy is the rule of the people, by the people and for the people.” But when I see current situation in India, I feel that Abraham Lincoln should have clearly defined what he meant by “the people” like who are these “people”, who would be ruling, whom they would be ruling and for whom. Like so many other things, I think majority of Indian politicians have taken advantage of ambiguity in Lincoln’s quote and defined “the people” as their own family, relatives and friends. So the new improvised version of Lincoln’s definition in Indian context has become something like “Democracy is the rule of the family, relatives and friends, by the family, relative and friends, for the family, relative and friends.” I am not joking as when you see Mulayam & his family enjoying the exploits in UP, Gandhis in Center, YSR’s Son Jagan in AP, Yediyurappa and his family in Karnatak, Farukh Abdullah in J&K, Badal’s in Punjab, Karunanidhi in TamilNadu, Lalu in Bihar, Sangma’s in Meghalay, Thackreys, Pawars & Chauhans in Maharashtra, Hoodas & Chautalas in Haryana and you will soon realize that democracy has got a new name and form in India and it’s called “Famocracy”.  Doesn’t is sound like some remote Middle Eastern / African country’s ruling system? The way we are being governed by few corrupt families and their well-wishers, we will soon have worse situation for common masses and life will become more difficult. It’s sad but true reality of Today’s India.

Mulayam talks about being an ardent follower of Ram Manohar Lohia’s socialism but all I can see how busy he is in promoting his own dynasty rule. Lohiaji who remained unmarried, never had any bank balance and opposed the dynastic rule till his death must be agitated in heavens by what all Mulayam is doing in his name. The most wonderful thing of Mualayam was, his daughter in law getting elected unopposed in recent elections for MP in Kannauj parliamentary constituency, which was vacated because her husband and Mulayam’s son became Chief Minister of UP. The Mulayam’s form of democracy should be adopted all over the India so that the general public doesn’t have to face inconvenience of going to the voting booth and all the MPs can get elected on some or other arrangements where no one fights elections against anyone and everyone gets elected unopposed. It will save more money from public exchequer (your and my money- if you are an honest taxpayer), prevent infusion of black money in economy and we won’t have to suffer from endless public debates, exit polls and noise pollution for so many days. I think all parties including Congress, BJP and BSP must have decided that in the interest of common public good they shouldn’t fight elections against Mulayam’s daughter in law and by doing that they have shown a new way of democracy to the whole world. But I wonder how this is different from election of some ruthless dictator in sub-Saharan African country, who gets 99% of votes or from election of Saddam Hussain in Iraq?

There are so many criminal cases of serious charges like murder, rape and corruption against so many of honorable parliamentarians and they say that they want to save democracy from autocratic people like Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev!! Any politician who says things like this must have few qualities like habit of indulging into verbal diarrhea like Digvijay Singh, skin as thick as rhinos, character as weak as ND Tiwari, lying habits as great as Nirmal Baba and Kapil Sibal, corruption habits as good as Spectrum Raja and Sharad Pawar, networking habit as good as Nira Radia, communal as good as Akbaruddin Owaisi, castist as good as Lalu & Maya, Regionalist as good as Karunanidhi, Secularist as good as Mulayam, Barkha Dutt & Arundhati Roy, very good in hiding all sources of black money of their masters like Pranab Mukharjee, enjoy all power without accountability like Gandhi Family and above all still saying you are innocent while the biggest scam happen under your rule like Manmohan Singh. Once any politician achieves this state in India, he will have the “Buddha Moment” and will become enlighten about different way of fooling the general public and making huge money for family, relatives and friends.

These honorable MPs and politicians who haven’t hesitated in eating fodder meant for animals, claim that the biggest threat to the great Indian democracy comes from an unmarried 74 years old former armyman, a former IRS officer, a patriotic unmarried Sanyasi, a decorated former IPS Lady Officer and millions of educated and young middle class Indians like you and me. Perhaps the political class and their cronies in TV & print news media need to understand that the biggest threat to democracy comes when handful of corrupt people start twisting the system to suit their own needs, when the murders, corrupts and criminals go unpunished just because they have money and power while the poor and helpless are denied the justice and forced to pay bribe to get their work done. It’s so easy to understand but our honorable politicians & their cronies have insatiable desire to earn more and more which doesn’t get satisfied by amassment of billions of dollars in Swiss Banks which they can’t even count properly as there are so many zeros involved.

As you have seen the Mulayam form of democracy is not good for common Indian Public, because we will be denied all the chances of growth and opportunities while the likes of Mulayam and his cronies will flourish on our expense. The Mulayam form of democracy is so treacherous that you will be eating your words just after announcing in full public view press conference that Shri Abdul Kalam is his first choice for president of India. After few hours he cut some deal in his favor with Sonia and backtracks from his words and giving complex to likes of Mir Jafars and Jay Chands of Indian History. This Mulayam form of Democracy was actually started by Gandhis and Nehrus and sustained by all other politicians who saw its merit. They jointly deny the common masses the chance to be the participants in India’s story and corner all the butter for themselves and their cronies. That’s why they invent new issues of dividing the society in different ways and keep their rule relevant by following the divide & rule policy of British. Irony is we wanted the freedom from British for the same reasons and still our own people are behaving the same way.

I wonder sometimes that was this the India for which likes of Chandrashekhar Azad, Bose, Bhagat Singh, Sardar Patel and Lala Lajpat Rai fought against the British and gave their life?  I am an eternal optimist and I still believe that all is not lost. We have few shining examples like Narendra Modiji, VajpayeeJi, Naveen Patnaik and Nitish Kumar who are doing real good work and keep the faith of common Indians like me alive in real democracy. If we Indians really want to make the real definition of Lincoln’s democracy true in India we all need to play our part and teach a lesson to all the corrupts by voting against them and rising against injustice. Let’s take pledge to make India the place which the real patriots like Vivekanand dreamed of and make their dream our own reality. 

Vande Mataram

कम उम्र में शहीद एक सैनिक का मरते वक़्त अपनी माँ को खत.

सीमा पे एक जवान जो शहीद होगया,
संवेदनाओं के कितने बीज बो गया,

तिरंगे में लिपटी लाश उसकी घर पे आ गयी,
सिहर उठी हवाएँ, उदासी छा गयी,

तिरंगे में रखा खत जो उसकी माँ को दिख गया,
मरता हुआ जवान उस खत में लिख गया,

बलिदान को अब आसुओं से धोना नहीं है,
तुझको कसम है माँ मेरी की रोना नहीं है।

मुझको याद आ रहा है तेरा उंगली पकड़ना,
कंधे पे बिठाना मुझे बाहों में जकड़ना,

पगडंडियों की खेतों पे मैं तेज़ भागता,
सुनने को कहानी तेरी रातों को जागता,

पर बिन सुने कहानी तेरा लाल सो गया,
सोचा था तूने और कुछ और हो गया,

मुझसा न कोई घर में तेरे खिलौना नहीं है,
तुझको कसम है माँ मेरी की रोना नहीं है।

सोचा था तूने अपने लिए बहू लाएगी,
पोते को अपने हाथ से झूला झुलाएगी,

तुतलाती बोली पोते की सुन न सकी माँ,
आँचल में अपने कलियाँ तू चुन न सकी माँ,

न रंगोली बनी घर में न घोड़े पे मैं चढ़ा,
पतंग पे सवर हो यमलोक मैं चल पड़ा,

वहाँ माँ तेरे आँचल का तो बिछौना नहीं है,
तुझको कसम है माँ मेरी की रोना नहीं है।

बहना से कहना राखी पे याद नकरे,
किस्मत को न कोसे कोई फरियाद न करे,

अब कौन उसे चोटी पकड़ कर चिढ़ाएगा,
कौन भाई दूज का निवाला खाएगा,

कहना के भाई बन कर अबकी बारआऊँगा,
सुहाग वाली चुनरी अबकी बार लाऊँगा,

अब भाई और बहना में मेल होना नहीं है,
तुझको कसम है माँ मेरी की रोना नहीं है।

सरकार मेरे नाम से कई फ़ंड लाएगी,
चौराहों पे तुझको तमाशा बनाएगी,

अस्पताल स्कूलों के नाम रखेगी,
अनमोल शहादत का कुछ दाम रखेगी,

पर दलाओं की इस दलाली पर तूथूक देना माँ,
बेटे की मौत की कोई कीमत न लेना माँ,
भूखे भले मखमल पे हमको सोना नहीं है,
तुझको कसम है माँ मेरी की रोना नहीं है। 

(not written by me- Copied from Facebook Page)

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Be The Change That You Want to See - A Call to Educated Middle Class of India

This article has been published on popular news website- India Behind The lens. Following is the link to this article

There is a very famous incident in Indian history which serves as lesson for all rulers for all the times, some rulers take positive cues from it, mend their ways, treat themselves as servants of public and keep public interest above theirs while others who are drunk with power and arrogant in behavior, refuse to learn anything, become another example in long list of individuals whose name pops up when there is a talk about how common masses dislodged the ruling class from the throne.
The  incident is about a corrupt ruler’s abuse and insult of a honest, patriotic and intelligent Sanyasi. The Sanyasi takes a vow to uproot the mighty corrupt ruler and after few years gets success in his mission. The Sanyasi had honesty, integrity, patriotism & few good followers as his asset and we still know that period of Indian history as golden period. You might have got the idea till now, the mighty corrupt ruler was Dhananand and the Sanyasi was Shri Vishnugupt , whom we know as Chankya. Chankya’s worthy student Chandragupta, after he conquers Magadh, also frees the motherland from clutches of foreigners.

This incident came to my mind when I saw how, one year ago, the corrupt members of a particular party heaped insult after insult on a patriotic Sanyasi, who was just demanding the return of our ill-gotten money from foreign land and end of corruption in India. The corrupts were sp afraid of saffron cloths of the Sanyasi that they had to arrest him in night at 2 am, that too after talking to him and giving him assurance that they will act on his demands. But the Sanyasi wanted a concrete action from the corrupt thugs and was hoping against the hope that they will issue an ordinance on declaring the black money as national asset and those who have stashed away that money would be declared as criminals and given very hard punishment.

He wanted the corrupt thugs to issue the ordinance as he has seen how they have been fooling the Anna Hazare and his team on JanLokpal bill. It’s for all of you to see how the government hasn’t passed the bill toll today, even after promising the moon. If the corrupts wanted it, they could have done that but this would have given them so much trouble because many times its they and their close ones who have stashed the black money abroad and involved in all corruption scandals. You can’t expect a thief to pass a law for his own punishment. The corrupt ruling class had to act against their loved ones after such law is passed and Indian public too, which has become aware about all the wrong doings and its effect on them, would pressurize them to act. The Supreme Court which is now acting as very much independent agency, as envisioned in constitution of India, would have got the corrupt thugs in more trouble. All these 65 years the corrupt people of political class, specially the party which ruled us the most, have looted this nation systematically. It’s them and their close one who has billions of dollars stashed away in foreign banks. This is making them so nervous that they won’t allow this to happen otherwise their queen bee will be exposed too and public in this information age would be able to see how systematically this Gandhi Nehru clan and its cronies have looted our nation.

That’s why the ruling class started bribing the whole nation through easy money making mass bribing schemes such a farmer loan waiver scheme or the bigger scandal in form of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Guaranty Scheme. These mass bribery schemes have helped the corrupts to win elections but have given a big financial burden on tax payers like me and our economic progress is slowing down because of such nonproductive schemes. The ruling class knows that Indians suffer from short term memory loss. They know that Indians would just forget what these corrupt thugs have been doing now and as central elections are 2 years away, they can make fool of Indians again and through some mass bribery scheme, fanning communal violence and minority appeasement they can dream of coming to power again. These corrupt thugs don’t have long term wellbeing of India in mind and are just focused on short term gain of winning elections by hook or crook and punishing the patriots of this land to appease certain section of minorities, hiding the corruption and ego massaging of certain individuals. They tried it all in recent UP elections but it’s for the world to see how the Prince charming & whole extended Gandhi clan along with great sadist Digvijay Singh failed miserably to keep even the assembly constituencies of Raibareli & Amethi with grand old corrupt party.

I just can’t believe that the Congress Party once had Sardar Patel and Subhash Chndra Bose as its members. Their souls must be suffering with pain and thinking that why at all they wanted freedom from British? If you don’t even have right to sit on peaceful protest and the administration can still beat up the hungry and thirsty sleeping children, women and elderly men, in middle of night than what kind of freedom and democracy is this? Don’t you think that the incident which happened with Baba Ramdev & his supporters a year ago brings sad memory of Jaliawala bagh back to your mind? The situation was same, all people were doing just peaceful protest and General Dyre, a foreigner, ordered his Indian policemen to fire and kill people. The Indian policemen in his command didn’t even hesitate to kill their own peaceful countrymen and this time you have Italian, a foreigner, ordering the same thing on sleeping innocent countrymen in middle of night.

The cunning politician who calls Osama Bin Laden as Osama Ji, visits the home of terrorists and cast doubts on security forces of India has guts to call a patriotic Sanyasi as thug and we all just listen, smile and look away as if it’s not your or mine problem. What kind of people we have become? Just imagine if these corrupt thugs can do such lowly acts with such an extraordinary individual as Baba Ramdev, what they could do to us or what they have been doing with this nation all these years?

I don’t have any hesitation in saying that Congress party is root of all evils of India as they ruled India the most. They had golden chance of shaping India’s destiny at independence but Nehru was too westernize to think for Indian way & solution. So we still have many laws which are prevalent from 1890s too, its hard to believe but its truth. If, in front of our eyes and in this information age they have been able to do scams of such a greater magnitude as Coalgte, 2G spectrum scam, Adarsh Society Scam, Food grain scam, insulting a honest & patriotic army chief and many more such things, than just think what they have been doing in past? Infact the corruption started in 1947 itself by doing Geep scandal. I feel sometimes that this party is just meant for looting and siphoning away India’s wealth like the way British did for 200 years. The Nehru Gandhi Clan and many congressmen, by being close to Britishers, knew and perfected the art of divide & rule and siphoning money and stashing away in foreign lands. Its because of people like these the tolerant Hindus are becoming violent in their thoughts and trying to avenge the humiliation of Bharat Mata and fellow Hindus. I think the Congress part still thinks that young educated mass in India don’t matter as we don’t go for voting and are just arm chair or cyber activists. I know there is some truth in it and may be they may again get away with it. But I know one thing for sure that all these agitations by likes of  Anna Hazare & Baba Ramdev are atleast making people aware of what kind of corrupt people are ruling us. In long run this awareness will help in making India a better democracy.

I urge all nationalistic like-minded Indians to start speaking and telling truth whenever & wherever they get chance. We need to awaken the mass. I try to do it whenever I am in any public place such as trains, buses, local transports, in social gatherings, office talks with colleagues. Many times I prefer travelling in sleeper class of train so that I get the chance to meet more and more people and make them understand the challenges in front of the nation. I make sure that everybody understands the point of view and urge them to vote in every election. I take their pledge that they will vote in all elections. It doesnt matter whom they vote for but they should vote as it’s the only way we can play part in building India. This is the war of Kurukshetra, you can’t remain neutral in this war, and you have to pick a side. By being neutral I mean that not voting and going on for picnic on voting day is not an option anymore. You will get the government that you deserve and I don’t think we deserve to be ruled by the current bunch of corrupts whose name is there in different big corruption scandals. If the educated middle class doesn’t rise to the occasion than again the next government will be decided by the people for whom the caste & religion and free food or money for one day is enough for making voting choices. In recent elections you might have seen how they seized liquor & money from candidates which was meant for distribution among voters. The poor illiterate village masses have been shackled so long in barriers of castes, religion, food & money that they many times miss the bigger picture. So until the educated middle class who are affected by everyday corruption doesn’t take pledge to do the voting seriously, I don’t see much chance of improving the situation in India.

I know we all common Indians are not like sun which can remove the darkness in one go but we are like small diyas which when placed together, have the best chance of outshining the sun. I urge all like-minded Indians to step up their protests wherever they can. It may be through blogs, through open talks, at hotels where you go for lunch or dinner, at parks, students can do it in their campus, if electronic & print media isn’t doing its work and many times acting as B team of this corrupt rule than we have to play our part in saving this nation's soul. All media channels argue & question Anna, Baba Ramdev & their team as if they are the criminals & have committed some major blunder by taking up issue of corruption. They don't ask even one sensible question to likes of Rahul gandhi, Sonia, Sharad Pawar, Cheatambaram, Digvijay, Sibal, Pranab & MMS, who are involved in one crime after another. If we don’t register our protest, the corrupt ruling class will feel that we don’t care about our nation and just busy with earning our money and living our life casually. its upto us now, we have to show them through our deeds that we are still awake and won’t tolerate the looting of common wealth anymore.

They had played with pride of a Sanyasi who doesn’t want anything for himself. He has enough fame through his good deeds. He has enough resources to sustain himself for life long. He is not having any immediate family which is getting benefitted out of his fame. He is a patriotic Sanyasi like Chankya and the foreigner controlled ruling class should know what happened after a corrupt thug insulted and humiliated an honest and patriotic Sanyasi. Although I don’t agree with some of the points which Baba Ramdev is insisting on such a removal of big currency notes and having all education in Hindi & other regional languages or bringing Dalit Christians & Muslims under reservation. But his other issues are worthy causes for which we have to raise our collective voice.

The ruling class is playing with a simple honest individual like Anna Hazare, who is asking nothing for himself and making a fool of him every day by one lie or another. They had played with pride of an honest army General and maligned his character by all possible means. On other hand the likes of Rajas, Chidambaram, Dayanidhi Maran, Abhishek Manu Singhvi, Sharad Pawar are having time of their life and they are busy in inventing new ways of looting the public money.

If we want this to be stopped than I urge you to play your part in making of this nation. It would be really late if we keep silence and allow the corrupt to play their dirty games. I think Baba Ramdev has chosen 3rd June for starting his protest as because its an historical date on which Nehru, Mountbatten & Jinnah agreed to divide India on religious lines. The time has come again to fight for the cause of India and keep it united by chants of Vande Mataram. Its very tough fight which Babaji & Anna have started. Lets all support the noble cause taken up by these good soulse and if we cant support those who are fighting the system for us then I request you to not criticize them too. I sincerely believe that we Indians deserve much better government and system so that our future generations can live with pride in developed India.

Vande Mataram
Jai Hind.

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Satyameva Jayate- Truth Alone Triumphs In The End

Edited version of this blog was published on news website- India Behind The Lens- Following is the link to the article

There are many superstars in India.. but only ONE real HERO.. Aamir Khan. I salute you Aamir, only you could have done justice to "Satyameva Jayate" type of social awareness raising program. There can be many who can sell their celebrity status & popularity for having more money, but only a few like you can do such an act which can change the face of humanity. I am really happy that such hush hush issues are getting discussed in open by a man of your caliber.. The ancient Indian system of thought has given women such an exalted status in Indian society.. There was no Yagna which could be completed without the presence of the wife, there was so much freedom for women that they had the right to choose their husband through Swayamvar.. The women participated in battles along with their husbands.. Remember Kaikayee & Raja Dashrath story from Ramayana?? The ancient indian thoughts revolved around "Yatra Narastu Pujyante, Ramante Tatra Devtah" means "where women are worshiped only there the gods will reside" and "Janani Janmabhumishchah Swargadapi Gariyasi" meaning that "mother & motherland are better than place in heaven"...  

its such a pity & shame that people are indulging in an act of murder of girl child in such modern times.. and why is it like that?? Its the thinking of paying dowry and not having a feeling that children of the daughter would carry on the legacy of the family forward.. its the simple ego and financial question and nothing else.. The Kanya Dhan or dowry in today's term was the system where the parents used to give a portion of their wealth to daughter so that she can use it in time of crises after marriage.. as daughter didnt have right to father's property.. but now we have a law in place which says the same that daughters have equal right to father's property.. I think its more of a financial and ego satisfaction problem where the father & in laws and sometimes mothers themselves think that daughters are nothing but just a burden.. but I really wonder that the society which worships the women in all its form has become so cruel as to murder the new life.. The land where Shiva & Shakti are worshipped together as one form cant indulge in such crime against humanity. I always believed that human are just sophisticated version of animals.. only few can get over this animal instinct forever and they become the likes of Vivekanand.. some can just suppress it for long and they wait for this to come out from time to time.. few will always remain that primitive animal and become worse than animal at times.. After hearing stories of Parveen and other females on Satyameva Jayate just makes me feel that Human at large are worse than animals.. The Animals primarily kill for satisfying the hunger of stomach.. but human are so so so much worse.. the more educated we become the more worse than animal we are becoming. I cried and cried minute after minute during the whole show.. the song in the last part of the show just broke me from inside and I again cried uncontrollably.. Deep down inside the volcano got erupted and I wondered how we are becoming so callous as society. We have become so hypocratic in our approach and thoughts. We have become masters in putting makeup on our face and hiding the demon inside us from outer world and the issue is we dont even feel guilty after doing such acts. We are justifying our greed and end results for our demonic and inhuman behavior. I take a pledge to spread awareness on this issue, I was already doing it through various limited means but I promise that I will work more.. The solution for this problem is mainly followings;

1) Immediate solution is punish the high profile doctors as discussed in Aamir's show

2) Long term solution are following-

a. Spread awareness through various possible means- have the religious scholars and organizations issue the dictates in support of girl child.

b. We should have lessons on morality till all post graduation level of education. It should be taught as compulsory subject in all type of colleges.

c. Change the property inheritance & dowry related laws. It should be mandatory for father to share the ancestral property as equal among all his children & the father's property should always be in Girl's name or her offspring's name. His individually earned property can be distributed as per his will.

d. The companies which sells the machines should be asked to develop an inbuilt system, which cant be tempered with, which can keep the log of all the activities for 6 months. Every six months the companies needs to perform check up of those machines and send out reports on their websites regarding the same as for what purpose their machine got used for. If any case related to sex determination comes up they need to do enquiry about for which purpose it was done.

There are few issues that I would love to see on Satyameva Jayate. All these issues if solved can go a long way in making India a developed nation soon-

1) Issue related to Intercaste Marriages (I dont support Same gotra Marriage- Gotra & Caste are different things). The curse of castism is responsible for many ills in India.

2) Issue of inter-religious marriages- Aamir himself is a great example of how these type of marriages should be. If someone converts the religion of other individual before marriage and than marry him/her than its not love as per me. 

3) How to bridge gap between north south east west India and make it more like one India, how to make national identity as supreme and other caste, religion & religious identity as non issues.

4) Reservation on economic basis. The caste based reservation is promoting lots of ills. The reservation or affirmative action is needed but its basis needs to be changed. Making it on economic basis as its the common denominator would be the only positive solution. You can keep on relaxing some rules for scheduled tribe candidates. But reservation in promotions is such a stupid thing and there should be some affirmative action from private sector but the private sector should not be forced for any kind of reservation. There are many more ideas on this topic.

5) How to remove corruption from daily life? Janlokpal is needed but what we all can do as individual to stop this like taking a pledge of no bribe to any one, neither in trains for seats, nor in any govt office for getting your work done. We give it easily thats why the officers expect it from us.
6) Remove the practice of open defecation from India by providing clean toilets to all villages & towns. This is a cause in which support of every indian is needed. The Gram Panchayats & municipality should be made accountable for such activities. Its a shame that we are not able to provide the sanitation facilities to 70% of our population. My head goes down in shame when I get asked such questions from foreigners. 

7) The wrong treatment of foreign tourists in India. The way beggers and shopkeepers harass the foreigners in India is beyond comprehension. We need to raise public awareness regarding this issue as tourism can be such a big industry in India, if we can work on some issues like this and improve them.

8) Promoting Inter religious faith & harmony- without name calling for any particular group or individual. You can also cover increasing religious intolerance in some people which is making them terrorist. Just promoting this can give great strength to cause of nation building.

9) Improving quality of education in govt schools so that govt school kids can compete with kids from private schools. 

10) Dowry related deaths & harassment- both from males & females. I know females are the major sufferers but some females are using it as tool to harass the groom side too..

11) I would really like you to raise an issue of ignorant treatment of North East Indians in so called mainland India.. I feel really ashamed the way some of my friends use derogatory words against their own countrymen.. I know that we generally use derogatory words for people who belong to some other place than ours but its worst in case of North East Indians.

12) Increasing number of rapes and unsafe working and living environment for women in india. What could be the punishment for such crimes??

13) The breaking of joint family system and its repercussions. 

14) How to improve our roads & public transportation system so that they can become helpful for disable people. I know its not even good for able people but still we need to think about it. 

15) Story about people who fought it against all odds and are now the leading and guiding light in their area of influence.

There are many more issues which can be raised. I hope to live in developed India in my lifetime and I can now see it becoming a possibility as youth like me wont let this status quo prevail for long. Aamir's show would be real eye opener for those sleeping in deep slumber, you have long way to go Aamir.. my respect for you has gone up many times.. I wholly support you on this.. I just hope that you wont support any anti national cause.. I am just praying that when you touch Kashmir and other sensitive issue in North east you wont take an approach of anti-nationals and discuss the freedom for the disgruntled ones.. Aamir has chosen superb timing for this show.. the vegetables are already purchased & cut by Anna & baba Ramdev and they have collected all the ingredients for cooking a good mix vegetable dish.. they have even put the oil in frying pan and now Aamir is here to give strong tadka.. I hope that the mix veg thats being cooked will act as hunger satisfying meal for lot many patriotic indians like me.. Aamir is a perfectionist.. he understands the mood of the nation.. There are many more who are doing lots of work in this area.. Narendra Modiji is one of the very few leaders in India who have taken this responsibility on their shoulders from a long time.. His "Beti Bachao Andolan" & "Kanya Kelavani Yojna" are pioneering effort in this direction... Even Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister's "Ladli Lakshmi Yojana" is also a commendable effort for this cause.. 

I would love to see few individuals & organization making common ground & agenda for natiolistic cause.. Organization like RSS & individuals like Baba Ramdev, Narendra Modi, Aamir, Subramanian Swamy, Arvind Kejriwal & General VK singh should come together and develop a common agenda for development of this great nation.. If this happens The day is not far when we all will be living in developed India.. 

Thanks for the wonderful show Aamir. May your tribe grows and start using their celebrity status for promoting the nation building activities..  Vande Mataram.. this word itself says you worship your mother.. I hope that Indian will realize that ancient thoughts of rishis and give the respect to our mother, sisters, daughters & wives as it was intended by our forefathers..